Parent Learning

In partnership with key organisations, Inspired Carers provides a range of programs for parents.

Association for Children with a Disability (ACD)

About our Partnership with ACD

Inspired Carers works in partnership with Association for Children with a Disability (ACD) to deliver their workshops to parents/carers throughout regional Victoria.  To find out about upcoming workshops please visit our events page.  If you are a school, service provider, or parent support group you can support the parents you connect with and host a workshop for free.

Please contact the Inspired Carers office to find out more.

The workshops currently running currently:

  • Starting Prep Together
  • Steps To Success - Family Supports
  • Early Childhood Intervention - Making it Work
  • Advocate for your child at school
  • Secondary Years
  • Student Support Group Meetings
  • Learning and Behaviour Plans
  • Teens and Beyond
  • NDIS Plan Review

Curious to learn more about the Association for Children with a Disability (ACD)?

Visit the ACD website:

Want to join some of our events?

Stepping Stones Triple P

What is Stepping Stones Triple P?

Stepping Stones Triple P has been developed for parents of children with a developmental disability. Because it's based on Triple P's proven parenting strategies, it gies you want to deal with the kinds of childhood behavious problems and issues that can make family life stressful. Stepping Stones Triple P has been evaluated with real families and has been shown to work with children with intellectual and physical disabilities who have disruptive behaviour.

What are the ways I may do Stepping Stones Triple P?

Seminars tackle the most common issues for parents of children with a disability and bring together large groups of parents – often 20 or more. Each seminar takes just 90 minutes and you can do one, two or all three in the series. The topics in the series are: Positive Parenting for Children with a Disability; Helping your Child Reach their Potential; and Changing Problem Behaviour into Positive Behaviour.

Primary Care Stepping Stones is a series of brief counselling sessions with a trained provider. Sessions are between 15 and 30 minutes. You’ll meet four times (although sometimes more, sometimes less) over the space of a month or so. Your provider will be someone from your local health, education or welfare community – perhaps a family support worker, school counsellor, special education teacher or a family doctor. You’ll meet to tackle specific behaviours or issues that are particularly worrying you. You  could discuss anything from your child’s fears and anxiety to mealtime dramas or disruptive behaviour. You’ll be given a targetted Stepping Stones booklet with more information to help you manage the problem at home.

Standard Stepping Stones is more in-depth and is recommended for families with significant problems at home. Standard Stepping Stones is done in private with a provider, who will help you develop a wide range of positive parenting skills. You’ll meet up for eight to ten sessions of an hour each. You’ll be shown excerpts from the DVD A Survival Guide for Families with a Child who has a Disability and be given the Stepping Stones Triple P
Family Workbook.

Group Stepping Stones is great if you are having significant problems with your child’s behaviour or if you would simply like to learn parenting skills to help promote your child’s development and potential. You’ll meet with a small group of parents who also have a child with a disability. There’ll be just six sessions of around 2 ½ hours each. It will take a couple of months to complete. During the sessions you’ll watch DVD excerpts of the  parenting strategies being used in real family situations and you’ll have a group workbook to take home. Your provider will also call you at home (three times for between 15 and 30 minutes) to answer questions, provide support and help you with any problems.

Additional Information

Who is this for?

  • parents of children with a disability (birth–12 years)

Stepping Stones Triple P can help you

  • manage problem behaviour and developmental issues common in children with disabilities
  • encourage behaviour you like
  • cope with stress
  • develop a close relationship with your child
  • teach your child new skills

Curious to learn more about Triple P?

Visit the Triple P website:

Want to join some of our events?

Time for you with people who understand.

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