Inspired Carers work with many other support agencies and services. Below are a few that you may find useful.
For Parents and Carers
Positive Partnerships
Online learning modules and webinars that cover a wide range of autism-related topics. Free and available at you convenience
Through my Eyes – Intellectual Disability Healthcare Around the World
Learn, from personal stories, the daily life and challenges faced by those with intellectual disabilities. Provided by the University of Queensland. Free, 1 to 2 hours per week over 4 weeks.
Carers NT – eLearning
There is a variety of modules available covering numerous topics.
Intellectual Disability Mental Health e-learning
Free e-learning for carers, health professionals and disability professionals. Their goal is to improve your knowledge, skills and confidence – leading to better mental health and wellbeing for people with an intellectual disability.
Association for Children’s Welfare – e-booklets
Several Real Kids, Real Carer e-booklets. Each booklet contains a two hour training module that can be done in a group or one to one covering a variety of topics.
Support Organisations
ACD (Association for Children with a Disability)
CYDA (Children and Young People with Disability Australia)
Genetic Support Network Victorian (GSNV)
Cerebral Palsy Support Network (CPSN)
Family Relationship Support for Carers
VALID (Victorian Advocacy League for Individuals with Disability)
RIAC (Rights, Information and Advocacy Centre)
Disability Services Commissioner
Department of Health and Human Services
Last Updated on November 16, 2021 by admin