
Inspired Carers work with many other support agencies and services. Below are a few that you may find useful.

For Parents and Carers

Positive Partnerships

Online learning modules and webinars that cover a wide range of autism-related topics.  Free and available at you convenience

Through my Eyes – Intellectual Disability Healthcare Around the World

Learn, from personal stories, the daily life and challenges faced by those with intellectual disabilities.  Provided by the University of Queensland.  Free, 1 to 2 hours per week over 4 weeks.

Carers NT – eLearning

There is a variety of modules available covering numerous topics.

Intellectual Disability Mental Health e-learning
Free e-learning for carers, health professionals and disability professionals. Their goal is to improve your knowledge, skills and confidence – leading to better mental health and wellbeing for people with an intellectual disability.

Association for Children’s Welfare – e-booklets
Several Real Kids, Real Carer e-booklets. Each booklet contains a two hour training module that can be done in a group or one to one covering a variety of topics.

Last Updated on November 16, 2021 by admin

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